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Burrow HTML and Markdown

Windows Linux Mac
Integrated HTML, markdown, and SVG viewer, code editor, and debugger built with Electron. Easily burrow into markup files by providing a quick way to switch between viewing, editing, and debugging files.


HTML, SVG, and Markdown Support

View, edit, and debug HTML, SVG, and Markdown files with ease.

Side-by-Side Editor, Dev Tools, and Viewer

Open your code editor, dev tools, and preview next to each other and move and resize them to your liking.

File Tabs

Open multiple files at once with tab support.

Live Code Preview

Automatically view you file preview while your are editing.

Chromium Debug Tools

Use the state of the art Chromium developer tools.

Automatic Updates

Recieve automatic update so you can use the latest brower features.

Format Code with Prettier

Use Prettier to format your code with a single click.

Light and Dark Mode

View your file preview with dark mode and light mode and switch between them.